Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Talk it out Thursday ||

Hi I'm Courtney, 

You're going to find out that I am no stranger to mental illness. I thought I'd share some person experiences with you all, some of our national facts and how you can help stop the stigma around mental illnesses over a series of blog posts because well let's be real it would be way to long for one.  

In my own experience it's almost been exactly one whole year since I've been working on my mental health. Let me tell you this I'm a completely different person. 

 Ok, so lets start at the beginning, I wasn't always confident, let alone even have an ounce of confidence in my body, any and everyone always seemed to have it all figured out from hair, make up, career, parenting style you name it, I found it always made me so anxious. (Little did I know I suffered from a mental illness known as OCD and anxiety disorder which made me completely obsess over anything my mind got ahold of.) This was my biggest hurdle to even comprehend. 

When I mentioned it to my doctor he said he'd refer me to a psychologist....K wait what?! I was an even bigger mess thinking even more was wrong with me then I had already thought. It was about a two week waiting period to get in and see him. The first time I was soooo nervous I could barely keep my cool. He asked generic questions and move into more specific ones after my evaluation. The first day I  left my appointment all I could think was oh great now everyone's going to think I'm crazy. The stigma around mental illness is not a good one, and I surely fit the stereotype who believed this to be true. I didn't want to tell anyone not family or friends, I wanted to keep it hush hush in fears that they would judge me. I kept attending my weekly appointments mostly in secret. After a few weeks of visiting the psychologist we found the right medication and dosage level for me to be on, and let me tell you this it completely changed my life.

 EVERY aspect literally, I became this whole different person someone who was genuine not trying to figure out how everyone else had it together or appear to. I finally had time to breath and not worry. This allowed me to make time for the things I found that I loved, it made me a better parent, wife, sister, daughter, and friend. I found my inner balance to be exact. I no longer suffer from panic attacks, I have been able to overcome a majority of my fears (ie. Swimming), I'm confident being exactly who I am, and I've never been happier.

As I said it's been almost exactly a year since I found the courage to admit I had a mental illness, let alone share it with the world. But I think it's important to share our struggles with each other so we know we aren't in this alone. It might be scary yes, it might feel like a defeat to admit it, or you might even be in denial about the possibility of having one, and that's ok. But in my own personal experience my mind began to cripple me and enabled me to be me. The real me.

Hope you guys enjoyed this post, it's a mix of my first blog post and the rest. Some how I managed to merge two posts (whoops)  so here's  the whole story. Let's get rid of the stigma around mental illness! 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Peanut Butter Quinoa Bars

Recently I found quinoa puffs at our local health food store (my current fave store, sorry home sense) and well I've mainly been using them for smoothie bowls and in my granola but I wanted to get more out of them, spice them up a little. Since peanut butter is one of my staple foods I was definitely planning on incorporating it some how. It made think to try a healthy peanut butter version of puff wheat squares or at least that my intentions. I ended up with a simple no bake Peanut Butter Quinoa Bar. YAY!

What you will need:

1 Cup light peanut butter
1/2 Cup organic honey 
3 cups of puffed quinoa 
Splash of vanilla 

1. Heat peanut butter and honey in a sauce pan until throughly combined and at a slight simmer.
2. Spray or line an 8 X 8 pan with non stick spray.
3. Pour all ingredients into the pan and level it out.
4. Place in the fridge over night. In the morning cut into 16 bars and place in an airtight container and back in the fridge. 
Now enjoy in moderation:)

Nutritional Facts ( 1 Bar)
5g Protein | 6g Fat | 22g Carbs | 2g Fiber | 155 Calories 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Healthy Apple Crisp

Good morning babes! This morning I was craving some major comfort food to ease the grumpiness of "that time of the month" just incase you wanted to know (problems of being a women right?) I thought instead of making something not so healthy and probably filled with chocolate, I'd take advantage of the fact that lately we haven't been eating all our apples during the week. It came to me I hadn't had any apple pie at thanksgiving this past weekend! So I decided to make an apple crisp in the apple! It's super easy to make and the hardest part about it is keeping yourself occupied for 30 minutes while it bakes! 

What you will need:

Filling| 1 Medium or large Apple
            Dash of Cinnamon
            1/2 Tablespoon almond flour 
            1/2 Tablespoon coconut sugar

Topping| 1 Tablesppon instant oats
               Dash of cinnamon 
               1/2 Tablespoon coconut sugar
               1/2 Tablespoon coconut oil

• Preheat oven to 325 degrees 

1. Level off the bottom of your apple so it sits without wobbling or tipping over.
Then cut off the top of your apple.
2. Hallow out your apple and place all but the core on a cutting board and cut into small pieces.
3. Place all filling ingredients in a bowl, mix until everything is incorporated, and spoon back into your hallowed out apple. 
4. Then mix all your topping ingredients and spoon into the remaining empty part of your apple.
5. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Place the apple on the sheet and into the oven. 
6. Bake for 30 minutes, take out and let cool. 

Now Enjoy! 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites

I may or may not have an obsession with creating healthy versions of guilty indulgences lately. Which is great that they have been turning out because lately I have found my sweet tooth always wants something a little naughty and not very macro friendly. Truth be told if I always gave in I'd never reach my fitness goals. So I spent the morning creeping Pinterest looking at different varieties of protein balls. After trying a few out that totally failed I took it upon my self to use the things on my counter to create a healthy version of protein chocolate chip cookie dough bites. Wait what ... YES chocolate chip dough bites that are good for you! I'm in heaven they are the perfect size without any guilt or processed ingredients! 

1 Cup Oats
1 Cup Vanilla Perfect Fit protein powder or your favourite brand
16 Pitted dates
1 Cup peanut butter 
1/4 Cup dark chocolate chips
Splash of almond milk

1. Mix all ingredients (except the dark chocolate chips) in a blender until it represents a thick dough consistency.     2. Pour into a bowl and work in the dark chocolate chips. 
3. Roll into one inch balls and place on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet.
4. Place in the freezer for 20 minutes or so.
5. Remove from parchment paper and place in a ziplock bag or air tight container and place back in the freezer. Enjoy 1-2 bites when desired.

Nutritional Facts (1 Ball)
4.9g Protein / 5.5g Fat / 9.2g Carbs / 2g Fiber / 100 Calories

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Frankly it's a knock off

Last year Frank Body went viral, it's known to target dry skin, stretch marks, cellulite, eczema, psoriasis and acne. It's  Suitable for all skin types. And well let's be honest it's totally worth all the hype! You can get it HERE. 

Now that being said it's a little on the pricey side, ranging from $16 - $19 + shipping and handling for one bag. And well I've been trying to save money these past few months, so I've opted out of my continuous order of frank scrub. But after realizing my skin dearly needed a good scrub I took to Pinterest to find an cheaper alternative. 

Alas, I found key ingredients that I already had in my kitchen and began experimenting to get the desired texture that Frank had me fall in love with. After finding it to dry, then too oily I found the perfect concoction.

Now let's talk about why the key ingredients are so important in making this scrub all that it is, and how it helps target cellulite, stretch marks, common skin problems, while leaving you silky smooth and smelling heavenly. 

Coffee Grounds. The coffee grounds act as one of the main exfoliants. It helps scrub away dead skin while helping improve your circulation, leaving you smooth and glowing. The caffeine from the coffee grounds can temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite and give your skin a firmer appearance.

Coconut sugar. Helps exfoliate + the antioxidants help restore the skin back to a silky smooth state.

Coconut oil. Is a quick absorbing moisturizer that restores dry flaky skin, while strengthening the skin tissue. It also helps delay wrinkles with help from all its antioxidants. It is also known to help smooth common skin issues, such as eczema and sunburns.

Cinnamon. It has antioxidants that helps brighten the skin as well helps fight off common skin bacterias that cause acne. Some studies have found that using cinnamon helps restore collagen. Leaving your skin tighter. 

Here's what you'll need:

1/2 cup ground coffee

1/2 cup raw organic coconut sugar

1/4 cup coconut oil

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 

Now in three simple steps you get your scrub:

1. Mix a dry ingredients thoroughly.
2. Add coconut oil, use you hands to work in the coconut oil with the dry ingredients. Do N O T heat. The warmth from your hands is more then enough.
3. Place in an air tight container and use 3-5 times a week.

How to use: 

Taking handfuls at a time scrub problem areas and let dry for about 5 minutes to allow your skin to soak up all the benefits from the scrub. Rinse off and repeat a few times a week. Be sure not to get in your eyes. 

Now go get dirty ! 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

10 Ways to Confidently Be You

As I've become older, I've realized one of the hardest obsticles I've had to overcome was learning how N O T to compare myself to others. 

As soon as I'd think of all that I've accomplished, I would allow what others have done to over shadow my own accomplishment. All of a sudden bitterness and jealously found a welcome place in my mind. 

I use to try to be like everyone around me, try to be better at this and that puttsing around who I truly was, in sights of being whoever I had thought had it together that week. 

Here's the thing.. It wasn't me, it wasn't who I was suppose to be, I was uncomfortable, and nevertheless miserable. 

I am Courtney. A mom of two, a busy wife, sarcastic, sensitive, I cannot have a house full of all white and breakable beautiful things, I'm clumsy, loving and devoted. And well it's just me. ONLY me. I'm not the fittest or most beautiful. And I'm ok with that, as I am a once in a lifetime person. We all are, each and everyone of us is unique. Embrace it.

We live in a world where we have become accustomed to updating our lives on social platforms. Social media allows each of us with the opportunity to pick and choose moments in our life that we want to share. Generally the wide scale population that uses social media chooses to shares their success + triumphs. Where many leave out their struggles and down falls they have overcome. This is why social media is so great and awful at the same time. Don't get me wrong, we don't want to scroll through feeds of sad or terrible things, but I mean we need to #getreal and share how we've overcome some of our downfalls that brought us to where we are now. Showing the humility and truth of our true selves is what our generations need. We need to teach ourselves and those around us that we are amazing and all have the ability to accomplish great things. Although it may not be the same great thing as one aother, it's still great. 

So here's what we need to teach ourselves and those around us:

O N E :  S T O P  C O M P A R I N G

You are you and only you. Don't compare   yourself to strangers on the internet.

T W O :  S I T B A C K + R E L A X

Stop stressing over things you cannot control. Enjoy the little things and never take moments for granted.

T H R E E : B E  P O S I T I V E

Find the good in every situation. Think positively, act positively. Simple.

F O U R :  D O  W H A T  Y O U  L O V E

Hate something? Stop it! Life's to short to do anything you dislike.

F I V E :  L O V E  Y O U R S E L F

This should be simple. Embrace who you are and remind yourself what you love about you. Don't point out your self proclaimed flaws.

S I X : F I N D  Y O U R  H U M I L I T Y

Have a struggle? Don't let it define you. Share how you overcame your short comings.

S E V E N : S M I L E 

Having a bad day? Smile. Smile at yourself, smile at a stranger, don't let anything wipe it off your face. Good energy is contagious.

E I G H T : B E  A C T I V E 

Get outside, go for a run, jump in a pool, stop at the gym on the way home. An active lifestyle releases endorphins and helps you become comfortable with yourself.

N I N E : D O N ' T  B E  S C A R E D 

Try something new, do something that scares you, do it for you. Prove that you can overcome anything.

T E N : E N C O U R A G E  T H O S E  A R O U N D   Y O U

Success and happiness is a two way street. When those around you need a push or encouraging to go farther, be there for them. Tearing someone else apart or down will N O T make you any better, nor feel better. So don't, you'll be much happier.