Saturday, July 25, 2015

10 Ways to Confidently Be You

As I've become older, I've realized one of the hardest obsticles I've had to overcome was learning how N O T to compare myself to others. 

As soon as I'd think of all that I've accomplished, I would allow what others have done to over shadow my own accomplishment. All of a sudden bitterness and jealously found a welcome place in my mind. 

I use to try to be like everyone around me, try to be better at this and that puttsing around who I truly was, in sights of being whoever I had thought had it together that week. 

Here's the thing.. It wasn't me, it wasn't who I was suppose to be, I was uncomfortable, and nevertheless miserable. 

I am Courtney. A mom of two, a busy wife, sarcastic, sensitive, I cannot have a house full of all white and breakable beautiful things, I'm clumsy, loving and devoted. And well it's just me. ONLY me. I'm not the fittest or most beautiful. And I'm ok with that, as I am a once in a lifetime person. We all are, each and everyone of us is unique. Embrace it.

We live in a world where we have become accustomed to updating our lives on social platforms. Social media allows each of us with the opportunity to pick and choose moments in our life that we want to share. Generally the wide scale population that uses social media chooses to shares their success + triumphs. Where many leave out their struggles and down falls they have overcome. This is why social media is so great and awful at the same time. Don't get me wrong, we don't want to scroll through feeds of sad or terrible things, but I mean we need to #getreal and share how we've overcome some of our downfalls that brought us to where we are now. Showing the humility and truth of our true selves is what our generations need. We need to teach ourselves and those around us that we are amazing and all have the ability to accomplish great things. Although it may not be the same great thing as one aother, it's still great. 

So here's what we need to teach ourselves and those around us:

O N E :  S T O P  C O M P A R I N G

You are you and only you. Don't compare   yourself to strangers on the internet.

T W O :  S I T B A C K + R E L A X

Stop stressing over things you cannot control. Enjoy the little things and never take moments for granted.

T H R E E : B E  P O S I T I V E

Find the good in every situation. Think positively, act positively. Simple.

F O U R :  D O  W H A T  Y O U  L O V E

Hate something? Stop it! Life's to short to do anything you dislike.

F I V E :  L O V E  Y O U R S E L F

This should be simple. Embrace who you are and remind yourself what you love about you. Don't point out your self proclaimed flaws.

S I X : F I N D  Y O U R  H U M I L I T Y

Have a struggle? Don't let it define you. Share how you overcame your short comings.

S E V E N : S M I L E 

Having a bad day? Smile. Smile at yourself, smile at a stranger, don't let anything wipe it off your face. Good energy is contagious.

E I G H T : B E  A C T I V E 

Get outside, go for a run, jump in a pool, stop at the gym on the way home. An active lifestyle releases endorphins and helps you become comfortable with yourself.

N I N E : D O N ' T  B E  S C A R E D 

Try something new, do something that scares you, do it for you. Prove that you can overcome anything.

T E N : E N C O U R A G E  T H O S E  A R O U N D   Y O U

Success and happiness is a two way street. When those around you need a push or encouraging to go farther, be there for them. Tearing someone else apart or down will N O T make you any better, nor feel better. So don't, you'll be much happier. 

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