Friday, October 21, 2016

My top 5 reasons to workout in the morning

Now that Kashius is in kindergarten and in the morning class, I find our mornings fly by. Last year for preschool, he was in the afternoon class so mornings for us lasted until lunch time, which was nice although I found I was quite lazy. We didn't accomplish much until around 10 or 11 am and by that I mean maybe we got out of our pyjamas. So this September was quite a shock for us, even though they are up super early we had to change our whole tone for our morning routine. I started slow and gradual not forcing myself to hate it, but it defiantly took a bit to get use to. I know for some working out in the morning is not going to happen or not their thing and that's completely ok. Everyone`s different.  For me, working out in the mornings has become essential, for one my kids are early birds and I mean EARLY before even the birds arise from their slumber. So well there's that, and if I dont get out of bed I'm one lazy lady haha seriously I could lay in bed and watch the most ridiculous shows and end up running late. So I have been making a conscious effort to set an alarm and wake up to get my workout in before my littles get up or at least to set them up for breakfast. Since doing this I feel like a whole new person, Im less grumpy, I have more time for things throughout the day and I have time to relax later on. And well if Im being completely honest, by the time night time rolls around this momma is ready to relax and soak up snuggles from my littles and hubby. Now finally to my top 5 reasons to work out in the morning:

1. Generally mornings are the calm before the chaos, its the perfect time to reflect on personal development, as well as allows you to set your intentions for the day ahead vs walking up with only enough time to grab a coffee and head out the door.
2. By checking working out off your to-do list early on in the day you aren't having to squeeze a workout in before afternoon or evening plans. You also can stay and enjoy the company without feeling unaccomplished.
3. Many studies suggest morning workouts boost your metabolism + kickstart your digestive system. (Plus drinking warm lemon water before your workout it really helps cleanse you body)
4. Not only does working out in the morning give you more energy but it helps you set a healthier tone for the day by increase your odds of refuelling your body with nourishing whole foods vs the donuts at your local coffee shop or office.
5. One Shower and your D-O-N-E ! By working out and showering before the day starts you are refreshed and ready to take the day on like the #girlboss you are! While people around your office are scrambling to down their coffee and get organized you'll feel like you've got it all together :)

I find personally working out in the morning is best for me, otherwise when things come up I find I put working out on the back burner making it second priority to anything that arises. I really love the fact that I am making a conscious effort to give myself time for me. Although there have been many days that waking up early seemed super silly with toddlers that rarely sleep through the night. I get up even if it isn't my best workout I get it done, and that's all that matters. I`m so excited to be back blogging I have been working on so many things that I cannot ait to share! Everything from our current décor to healthy snacks the kids have come to love! I`ll be seeing you babes sooooo soon! Thanks for taking the time to check out my post xx


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